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Tummy Tuck Overview

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What Is the Cost of a Tummy Tuck in Charlotte, NC?

The cost of your tummy tuck will depend on several variables, including the specific type of tummy tuck you’re undergoing and your unique needs for the surgery. Other factors will also be involved, such as the anesthesia fee, facility fee, post-surgery garment, and the fees for any required testing or prescription medication. Dr. Pratt will provide you with specific details about the cost of your tummy tuck when you have your consultation, but typically, it is between $18,000 and $24,000.

Do I Need a Tummy Tuck?

After a woman has undergone childbirth or loses a substantial amount of weight, there are unwanted changes in the midsection characterized by separation and weakening of abdominal muscles. Once these changes have taken shape, it’s difficult to reverse them by way of diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck in Charlotte is one of the only surgical treatments to restore the stomach to its previous flat, youthful, sculpted appearance. 

The surgery involves making a horizontal incision within the public area, keeping it obscured under the panty line. The belly button remains intact in its natural location. 

Woman pulling on her black panties

What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck? 

Strengthens the body’s core

A tummy tuck is known for revitalizing a weakened core, fortifying abdominal muscles, and providing enhanced flexibility in the mid-region. These stronger abdominal muscles alleviate lower back pain and greatly improve posture. 

Lowers the risk of certain medical conditions

Once excess skin and fat have been removed from the midsection, the patient has a much lower risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, and gallstones.

Hernias are less likely to occur

A tummy tuck strengthens the abdominal muscles, preventing unnecessary stress on the stomach muscles. This lowers the likelihood of developing a ventral hernia.

Greater control over bodily functions

Factors such as old age, childbirth, and large weight fluctuations are all natural occurrences in life that can make people more susceptible to having reduced bladder and bowel control. Removing excess fat and tissue from the midsection can improve this.  

Reduces the chances of developing stress urinary incontinence 

After going through childbirth, some women may find that they experience accidental urine leakage when laughing, sneezing, or coughing. This is a condition known as urinary incontinence. Tummy tuck procedures have been found to reduce the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence.

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Who Makes the Best Candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Charlotte, NC?

Patients who answer “yes” to any of the following questions may stand to benefit from an abdominoplasty procedure:

  • Do you already follow a good diet and exercise regimen but haven’t seen any improvement in your belly region?
  • Are you struggling with long-term skin laxity due to pregnancy or weight loss?
  • If you have had a child, has your belly remained distended since?
  • If you gave birth by C-section, is the scar causing an unwanted bulge?
  • Are you dealing with scars from earlier surgeries standing in the way of achieving your ideal aesthetic?
Dr. Broc  Pratt

Some Basic Criteria for Tummy Tuck Candidates Include:

  • Be a non-smoker
  • Be mentally and physically healthy
  • Be free of any serious medical conditions that could cause complications during the procedure
  • Have realistic expectations for the results of the procedure after receiving a comprehensive consultation

What Dr. Pratt Will Expect From You:

  • Stop smoking (if an active smoker)
  • Have any chronic health issues such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease under control
  • For patients with certain medical histories, it may be required that they obtain a letter from their primary physician that clears them for treatment. Patients who do not have a primary care doctor may receive help from our office in finding one
  • Have a family member or friend be available to help in the days following the procedure

What Issues Can a Tummy Tuck Address?

  • Loose or excess abdominal skin
  • Weakened or separated stomach muscles
  • Excess fat in the midsection
  • Stretch marks

What Does a Tummy Tuck in Charlotte, NC, Entail?

While various forms of the tummy tuck each have their own specifications, there are commonalities among them. During a tummy tuck procedure, incisions are made between the belly button and pubic region in a horizontal, oval, or elliptical formation to remove excess skin and fat from the area. Sutures are then sewn into the connective tissue that sits over the stomach muscles to keep them tight.

What are the Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

Every patient has different cosmetic goals and desired outcomes from a tummy tuck in Charlotte, NC. Upon receiving a consultation, patients will be recommended a protocol that Dr. Pratt believes can best achieve their desired look while taking into account any concerns that they may have about potential scars or aesthetic issues.

The type of tummy tuck performed will depend on the amount of excess skin the patient has. The portion of excess skin that the patient wants to be removed plays a major role in determining the location and length of the incisions that have to be made.

Standard Tummy Tuck

The standard tummy tuck aims to improve both the upper and lower abdomen.
Patients who are struggling with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin around the belly region may benefit from a standard tummy tuck, as it can flatten out the area above and below the belly button while redefining the contours.  

The procedure steps include:

  • Making a small incision on the umbilical that leaves patients with an “innie” belly button
  • A short, low incision at the waistline that is easily hidden by the patient’s underwear or swimsuit
  • Extracting all unwanted skin from the area
  • Tightening the stomach muscles with sutures

This method requires that patients have drainage tubes under their skin for the first few days following the procedure. The downtime is usually a week, and patients can start doing vigorous exercise after 6 weeks of rest. 

Mini Tummy Tuck

While the standard tummy tuck addresses both the upper and lower abdomen, the mini tummy tuck is only designed to treat the lower portion of the belly, starting from the navel downwards. The term “mini” is in reference to the fact that only the region above the pubic area is targeted for treatment. The incision used in this procedure is not necessarily shorter than the one used in a standard tummy tuck.

The mini tummy tuck is perfectly designed for women who are already at their target goal weight and are happy with their body composition. It is only due to an issue, such as a recent pregnancy, that they are experiencing some minor muscle separation and a flap of excess skin above their pubic area and seek a tummy tuck to treat it. A C-section scar can make this situation more complicated, as it causes a bulge in the area. With a mini tummy tuck, the incisions are hidden inside a bikini bottom, and the recovery only lasts 5 to 7 days.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

This approach to a tummy tuck addresses both the lower and upper portions of the abdomen, as well as the entire waistline, flanks, and back. It is a good option for patients who have experienced a large amount of weight loss.

A circumferential incision runs around the waistline. Liposuction and other techniques are then employed to extract excess skin and fat from the stomach, lower back, and waist. At this time, loose or separated stomach muscles are tightened, and the belly button is repositioned. Once the desired changes have been made, the incisions are sealed using sutures. The surgery can last between 4 and 6 hours.

Prepping for Surgery

Generally speaking, most practitioners require patients to complete the following before their procedure:

  • Get a full lab test or medical evaluation from a general practitioner
  • Begin or cease the use of certain medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements
Woman posing in white bra and panties

What is the Recovery Process Like?

Following your tummy tuck in Charlotte, NC, you will typically be able to get back to work within 10 to 14 days. In the days following the procedure, patients typically have to keep a surgical drain in place, especially if liposuction was performed in tandem with the tummy tuck (otherwise, patients may be able to forgo the drain). Patients are fitted for their compression garments prior to the procedure, and they must be kept on for 4 to 6 weeks. Supplemental recovery solutions such as lymphatic massage may also be recommended in order to speed up the healing process, particularly in cases where large amounts of fat are removed.

Why Choose Dr. Pratt for Your Tummy Tuck in Charlotte, NC?

With an incredible commitment to patient individuality, Dr. Pratt’s approach to plastic surgery in Charlotte, NC, is unmatched. From the consultation through the surgical process, Dr. Pratt listens to his patients' goals and works with them to ensure their satisfaction with the outcome. 

Dr. Pratt eschews extravagance and ostentation in his patient interactions. Instead, he prioritizes his capacity to swiftly establish a sense of ease and familiarity, enabling patients to voice their apprehensions regarding surgery freely. Furthermore, it is his meticulousness and precision that have earned him the esteem he currently enjoys.

  • Attended medical school at The University of Florida
  • Received the Ambrose Paré Award from the American College of Surgeons
  • Completed general surgery residency at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC
  • Completed a research fellowship in minimally invasive surgery with Dr. B. Todd Heniford
  • Published research in leading surgical journals and authored a chapter in a textbook on minimally invasive cancer management
Dr. Pratt in a grey suit
Dr. Broc  Pratt

Tummy Tuck FAQs

How much downtime is there with a tummy tuck?

Patients can expect anywhere from two to three weeks of downtime.

Is there any scarring?

All tummy tucks come with some amount of scarring. The most common type is a horizontal scar across the lower abdomen.

How can I ensure a smooth recovery?

Patients can ensure a smooth recovery for themselves by preparing their homes ahead of time and taking short, regular walks around the house (when ready).

What is the best time of year to undergo a tummy tuck procedure?

Fall or winter are considered to be good times of year for this procedure, as hot weather can be bothersome while wearing the compression garment.

How long will the results last?

Results from this procedure are considered to be permanent.

Can a tummy tuck address love handles?

A tummy tuck is not designed to treat love handles.

How long does the procedure take?

The surgery portion of the procedure takes about two and a half hours to complete, but patients can expect to be there longer while they are being prepared to be sent home.

Is there any pain?

There is some discomfort following a tummy tuck procedure, but it is at its worst in the first week and will slowly fade away.

Can I combine procedures for a better result?

Yes. A tummy tuck can be combined with other procedures, such as a thigh lift or lower body lift, for enhanced results.

How long does the swelling last after a tummy tuck?

Swelling can take some months to dissipate, but this is normal and not a cause for concern.

I read on the Internet about a new “drain free” tummy tuck. Do you do that?

We do perform drain free tummy tucks, but they can only be performed on certain patients dealing with certain conditions.

Is there an ointment, salve, or cream that will get rid of my scar?

No, but there are some scar creams on the market that can improve their appearance.

Is there anything that can potentially help with my scar?

Being a non-smoker and minimizing tension on the treatment site are good ways to minimize the likelihood of scarring.

What supplements do I need?

No supplements are specifically recommended, but patients should eat a balanced diet and avoid any allergens they may be sensitive to (gluten, dairy, etc.)

Should I just stay in bed after my surgery?

It is vital that patients get around and walk once in a while. While vigorous exercise is not permitted until much later in the recovery process, patients can benefit from walking around the house throughout the day.

Can’t I just buy my garment on Amazon?

This is not recommended. We will personally fit you for your garment to ensure that it will be held in place properly.

I can get my surgery at half the price in another country.

While that may be true, being able to follow up with your practitioner is vital for ensuring satisfactory results in the long run. Furthermore, cheap overseas care is known for being incredibly variable in terms of the quality of its results.

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